Friday, October 24, 2008

Greenhouse Effect

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is when earth's atmosphere traps solar raditaion allowing sunlight to pass through absorbing heat radiated back from the earth's surface.

What are the 3 most common greenhouse gases?

The 3 most common greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, plus nitrous oxide.

How are the greenhouse gases produced?

Many of the gases occur naturally.

How does the greenhouse effect impact our lives?

It impacts our lives because if we didnt't have it we would die

Is the greenhouse effect good or bad? Why?

The greenhouse effect is a good thing because it keeps everything on Earth alive.

Include at least one picture in your blog.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshore Drilling

What is offshore drilling? Offshore drilling is the drilling of oil.

Why is it good? It's good because it saves money and energy.

Why is it bad? It's bad because it messes up the environment.

How do you feel about it? I feel that it's a bad idea because of the damage it does to the evironment.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Final Grade

Honestly for my final grade in this class for my blogs, i would say i earned a D. I say that because I either turn my work in late, incomplete, or i dont turn it in at all. I'm not up to date on any of them or I think maybe on one of them. My spelling and grammar isn't a problem in any of my blogs.